Saturday, August 11, 2007

scienze - sciences (scroll down for English)

Riporto il testo di una lettera che ho appena mandato alla redazione del

Spettabile redazione del;
mi ritrovo nuovamente costretto a scrivere per segnalare la leggerezza con la quale gli articoli nella sezione scienza e tecologia vengono scritti. Nell'articolo "Un software anti-bullismo. Parola di studenti" la grafologia viene più volte definita scienza. Mi permetto di ricordare all'autore dell'articolo che:

"in properly controlled, blind studies, where the handwriting samples contain no content that could provide non-graphological information upon which to base a prediction (e.g., a piece copied from a magazine), graphologists do no better than chance at predicting... personality traits...." ["The Use of Graphology as a Tool for Employee Hiring and Evaluation," from the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association].
A quando un articolo sulla "scienza dell'intelligent design".?

Non credo di dover essere io a ricordare che come sito del maggiore quotidiano italiano avete la responabilità di formare il lettore. Non stupiamoci se gli italiani sono scientificamente analfabeti.

Distinti saluti

I am attaching below the letter I just sent to, the online edition of the most important Italian newspaper:

I am writing again to underline the sloppyness that characterizes many articles in your science and technology section. In the article "Un software anti-bullismo. Parola di studenti" the author refers to graphology as a science. I'd like to remind the author that
"in properly controlled, blind studies, where the handwriting samples contain no content that could provide non-graphological information upon which to base a prediction (e.g., a piece copied from a magazine), graphologists do no better than chance at predicting... personality traits...." ["The Use of Graphology as a Tool for Employee Hiring and Evaluation," from the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association].
When should I expect an article about the "intelligent design science"?

I don't think it is my duty to remind you that, as one of the most important newspaper in Italy you have the responsibility to shape the public opinion. Don't be surprised if the Italians are scientifically illiterate.

Respecfully yours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
